Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Visual Traditions of Japan Class

Hi Everyone!

So this morning my dad called me from work asking me if I wanted to take a class at the Carnegie Museum. I was um.....asleep at the time and he kept going on about how if I wasn't interested we didn't have to go...and he repeated the words "Japanese Art" a few times.

Finally it clicked and nerdy me went "YES!"

So I'll be going to an art history class for the next four Saturdays, so excited ^_^

The class is examining the art from Japan's prehistoric period to the 20th century and seeing how the Japanese took foreign artistic elements and adapted it to create work that is uniquely Japanese.

I hope I explained that well...

There are 2 sets of classes, there are ones on Saturdays starting April 2nd and ending April 23rd, then there are Wednesday classes starting April 6th ending April 27th.

It's $80 for an adult, $50 for students, and if you're a member at the museum it's $64.
When I tried to get us enrolled it wouldn't allow us to pay for the admission, my mom then tried and the same issue occurred. Every time we entered our credit card information it would give the error "please check your address and verify that it matches with your provider" something like that and we'd check to make sure the address was fine, it was then we'd get the error again.

Mom was the hero and called the museum where they processed the payment over the phone and sent us a receipt by email. So if you do wish to enroll if you get a similar error they are able to do the enrollment over the phone.

So excited! I'll share how the first class went this weekend ^_^

If you'd like to enroll I've provided the link below:

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